The secret to unbreakable confidence.

Never Ask These Questions:

"Am I enough?"
"Am I smart enough?"
"Am I strong enough?"
"Am I thin enough?"
"Am I pretty enough?"

What you're really asking is: 
"Am I worthy enough?"

I used to believe that perfection = worthiness of love.

So I tried, and I tried, and I tried to be perfect.

I would hear myself say, "I'm just a perfectionist!" Or, "I'm just Type A!"

Intellectually I knew perfection didn't exist but it felt important that I try to achieve it to prove my worthiness.

How to UNLEARN this belief: 

You don't need evidence to prove your worthiness
if you have your own 
permission to believe
that you're worthy no matter what.

You don’t need evidence if you have permission.

Still don't believe me?

Does a tree ever ask if it's worthy of growing?

No. It just grows.

It just is worthy because it's alive.

Here is what I realized...

Trees are life.

And if life is worthy...and I am might be the case that I am worthy just because I'm alive.

Only when I realized this, did this concept really sink in for me.

How I practice my new belief that all things and all people
(including myself) are worthy:

I see something I would usually criticize and (in my mind) I yell... "WORTHY!"

-Looks down at my belly rolls and says, "WORTHY!"
-See's my purple under-eye circles in the mirror... "WORTHY!"
-Makes a mistake... "WORTHY!"

Creating this habit for myself offers my brain
something different to think
instead of something mean and judgmental like it usually does.

It breaks my cycle and it reconditions my brain to remember that I'm worthy, and so much more than my body, or my habits, or my thoughts.

This simple shift changed my opinion of myself
which changed how I show UP. 

I hope it does the same for you.

Want to change something in your life?
I can help you!

Book a FREE mini-coaching session with me. Taking this step towards creating the life you want. You have nothing to lose.

Have a question?

ask away,